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BestSalesPeople, LLC | Manchester, NH

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We are eager to announce our 2022 Q4 events calendar. In addition to our Sandler Sales Foundations, Sales Mastery, Black Belt, Sales Leader Growth Series and Organizational Excellence events, we are continuing with:

Practice Field
Two Mondays a Month
1 hour duration
Open To: Active participants

DISC Overviews
Offered Monthly
1 Hour Duration
Opten to: Active Participants

The Practice Field is a chance for you to spend one hour moving through breakout rooms practicing Sandler techniques. If you're struggling to enforce your Up-Front Contracts, unsure how to utilize negative reversing, or hearing more, "No," than, "Yes," this is the program for you. The age old saying, "Practice makes perfect," is true. As uncomfortable as role playing may feel, it is vital to your ability to successfully integrate the Sandler Selling System into your sales process.

During our DISC session we review clips from pop culture to practice identifying different DISC styles in others and how to adjust our communication with them. These session are 1 hour long and highly interactive. The goal of this program is to help you quickly identify the DISC styles of your prospects and clients so you can have more effective communication with them throughout the sales process.

Not currently in one of our programs? What are you waiting for? Contact us to start your Sandler Journey today!

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